Civics Unit 5mr Volkmar's Course Pages

Civics - Unit 5 Exam - Old Book. First Name and Last Name Passcode.

AppliedCivics Course Syllabus

Request if you forgot your username and password. © 2021 - Vimar Therapy Group. Volkmar's Weebly pages!:) I am looking forward to a great semester together. My email is: For my current students in fall of 2020, please join my class: 2nd period join code: @ 7fcbe49 3rd period join code: @3f4b72 4th period join code: @ 4389b8. Course Summary This Civics Study Guide course provides effective lessons and self-assessment quizzes to help you quickly review material and test yourself on important civics topics.

Mrs. Bigelow

SchoolYear 2016-2017

Contact Information:



Phone: 850-414-2670

CourseDescription: M/J Civics Advance 2106020

The purpose of this course is toenable students to develop the knowledge and skills necessary for activeparticipation in a democratic society. Students will become informed citizens in regard to their local, state,and federal government.

Areasof particular interest for seventh grade that follow the guidelines adopted bythe Leon County School District and meet the requirements of the Sunshine StateStandards.

Thefollowing are links to the New Generation Sunshine State Standards and CommonCore Standards that will be covered in class.

Thefollowing text will be used for the majority o f our studies: Civics in Practice, Holt McDougal: FL edition2013

Unit Outline:

Unit One: Citizenship
Unit Two: Voting, Elections, and Political Parties
Unit Three: Foundation of AmericanDemocracy
Unit Four: The United States Constitution
Unit Five: Rights and Responsibilities – The Amendments
Unit Six: The Legislative, Executive andJudicial Branch
Unit Seven: The American Legal System
Unit Eight: The State Government
Unit Nine: Your Local Government
Unit Ten: World Affairs and ComparativeGovernment
Unit Eleven: Public Issues and the Media
Unit Twelve: Civic and PoliticalEngagement
Unit Thirteen: Economics and Geography


1.1 or 1 ½ InchDurable Binder (with pockets)

2.pencils or blackpen

4.colored pencilsor markers (due 9/2 to Mrs. Bigelow)

5.2 highlighters

6.100 index cards(due 9/2 to Mrs. Bigelow)

Fee: All 7th grade Civics students will attend theClassroom to Courtroom Field Trip. Moneywill be collected in January; the cost of the field trip is roughly $20.

ClassroomBehavior and Rules:

  1. Adhere to all school rules and policies of the seventh grade team and Leon County Schools.
  2. Come to class prepared to learn, and have all required materials with you daily.
  3. Be in your seat when the bell rings, and sit in your assigned seat.
  4. Respect other persons and their property, including the teacher.
  5. Be safe.
  6. No Late work is accepted, work is due at the beginning of class on the due date.
  7. Cheating will not be tolerated.
  8. No food, drinks or gum in classroom.

Consequences forchoosing to break a rule:

  1. 1st time: verbal warning, behavior recorded in discipline log
  2. 2nd time: behavior recorded in discipline log, parent notified
  3. 3rd time: behavior recorded in discipline log, after-school detention
  4. 4th time: office referral

*This appliesonly to the rules specified above and other Class 1 Offenses as defined in the studentplanner. Class 2 or 3 offenses willreceive an immediate referral.

Civics End ofCourse (EOC) Exam: As required by State of Florida legislation,all students enrolled in Civics will take an End of Course Exam in latespring. This test will count for 30% ofthe student’s overall average grade in this Civics course.

Final Overallgrades will be based on the following corresponding weights:

Each Nine Weeks Average – 17.5% x 4 = 70% Endof Course Exam – 30%

Grading Policy: Students will be graded on a total pointsystem. We use a variety of tools toassess learning of the curriculum. Alltests are posted in advance. StudentService Learning Projects count as a test grade. The remainder of your gradewill come from classwork and homework assignments, readings, and a notebookgrade. Assessments are 60% of a student’s grade each nine weeks and all otherwork will be weighted as 40%.

Testsand Projects (including Community Service Project): 100 points each

Quizzesand Notebook checks: 50 points each

Classworkand Homework: 10-40 points eachassignment

Grading Scale:

90-100 A

Civics Unit 5mr Volkmar's Course Pages Printable

80-89 B

70-79 C

60-69 D

0-59 F


StudyingNotes/ Reading/ Assignments/ Projects

vIt is importantthat students keep up with notes and study at least 15 minutes a night; thesenotes cover material they will be tested on.

v Reading assignments form the background neededfor class discussions and other activities that are graded.

Civics Unit 5mr Volkmar's Course Pages

vWhen writtenhomework is assigned, it must be turned in at the beginning of class. It is considered late when it not turned inat the beginning of class. No late workis accepted.

vWe will doprojects that must be completed at home; every student in Civics will completeStudent Service Learning project.

vCivics Class StudentService Learning Component:

Each student will be required to complete a total of4 hours of Student Service Learning during the first semester.The organization selected must be contacted by the student and approved by theteacher before participation in the service begins. SS.7.C.2.14


vMake-up work isthe student’s responsibility. On the day of the students return, the studentshould check the planner notes board for missed assignments. Assignments areposted daily on the assignment board, which must be recorded in the student’splanner. I expect students to take pre-announced test/quizzes on the day ofhis/her return. For everyday of anexcused absence, you have 2 days to make-up work. Do not get behind on missed assignments. No late work is accepted unless it isbecause of an excused absence.


vSomeopportunities will be given for the students to earn extra credit points. Do not expect extra credit to be offered atthe end of the grading period to replace assignments that should have alreadybeen completed. Please stay caught upwith assignments throughout the grading period.


vAcademicdishonesty of any kind will not be tolerated. You are encouraged to study together and to discuss information andconcepts covered in lecture and the sections with other students. You can give'consulting' help to or receive 'consulting' help from suchstudents. However, this permissible cooperation should never involve onestudent having possession of a copy of all or part of work done by someoneelse, in the form of e-mail, an e-mail attachment file, or a hard copy. Should copying occur, all studentsinvolved will receive a zero for their participation. Penalty for violation of this policy can also be extended to includedisciplinary action.

Civics Unit 5mr Volkmar's Course Pages Page

Student Planner

The planner is a communicationtool used to help our students stay focused on their goals and commitments.Your success in keeping an orderly assignment log will help you with timemanagement, goal setting, and monitoring your progress and growth. It is also a critical tool for communicationbetween school and home. All assignmentsshould be recorded in this planner. Information in the planner section of theboard in the classroom should be recorded in the planner. It should be written in the social studiessection of the planner. The planner isalso used to leave the room as your hall passes are located in it. We will have routine planner checks foraccuracy and condition of the planner. Be prepared, keep it updated.


The bell doesnot dismiss you!

After the bellrings and all things are in order, I will say have a great day!

The teacher retains the right to amend or adjustthis syllabus as needed to accomplish the objectives and learning goals of thecourse.

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All ESE/504/ESOLstudent accommodations will be provided within the classroom.



Civics Unit 5mr Volkmar's Course Pages Pdf

Affirmative Action/Equal OpportunityEmployer

Equity Officer

Dr. Kathleen Rodgers (850) 487-7306